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Prayers to Our Sovereign God

Dear Heavenly Father God,

You are the great “I am,” the awesome creator, the master designer who spoke this world into existence. You made provisions for us, your creations, when our first parents fell from grace in the Garden of Eden. You form each of us in our mother’s womb and we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Your name is to be glorified in the heavens and on the earth. I love and honor you Heavenly Father. I choose to set my eyes and heart on you afresh each day. Forgive me when I don’t thank you enough for who you are and for all that you do. I will never cease to thank you for your amazing, limitless, infinite love in which you to send your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth to save us. Thank you in your Son’s Name. Amen.

Dear Jesus,

How can I thank you enough.? You gave up your throne in heaven and came to earth as a sacrificial lamb for us. You’re shed Blood on that cross at Golgotha saved us from the clutches of sin and death. So I thank you that you forgive us of our sins when we repent. When we accept you as our Lord and Savior, we can receive healing, deliverance, redemption and restoration and I thank you. Your sacrifice allows us to step into our destinies and fulfill our kingdom purposes and I thank you. Your love, your mercy and your grace, your blessings never fail us and I thank you. You are always with us and you will never leave us or forsake us and I thank you. Words cannot express my gratitude Lord. Dear Savior, I will never cease to thank you for your amazing, limitless, infinite, long suffering love. And then you left your Spirit, a Divine Comforter, to guide and lead us into all truth. In your Name, I thank you. Amen.

Dear Holy Spirit,

My dear Comforter, you are our Counselor, our Protector, our Guide, our Corrector, our Teacher and our Advocate. Renew our spirits and fill us with your presence. Sanctify our souls and help us to walk with you each day, dear Holy Spirit. I thank you that your joy is new every morning. I thank you for peace that passes all understanding and your amazing power and work in our lives. It is through you that we get revelation of God’s truth. Continue to mold and transform us into the image of Jesus. It is your fruit of the Spirit and your gifts that enable us to do God’s will. Thank you, in the precious Name of Jesus. Amen.

Scripture References for Meditation:

Luke 11:2-4, Matthew 6:9-13 The Lord’s Prayer

1 Chronicles 4:10 The Prayer of Jabez

1 Samuel 2:1-10 Hannah’s Prayer

1 King 3:7-9 Solomon’s Prayer for Wisdom

1 Kings 8:22-53 Solomon’s Dedication of the Temple

Psalm 143 David’s Prayer Cry for Help in Crisis

Published inCultivating a Devotional Life


  1. Jennifer Peavey Jennifer Peavey

    Amen, Dr Wooten. I have been shut in with the Lord Jesus. Asking the Lord about purpose and destiny. I love Jesus! My Father in heaven. The Holy Spirit has directed me every day. What confirmation! I am just thanking the Father for being my Father. Thanking him for keeping me! Awesome post!

    • Jennifer Peavey Jennifer Peavey

      Amen, Dr Wooten. I have been shut in with the Lord Jesus. Asking the Lord about purpose and destiny. I love Jesus! My Father in heaven. The Holy Spirit has directed me every day. What confirmation! I am just thanking the Father for being my Father. Thanking him for keeping me! Awesome post!

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