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A Prayer of Healing and Deliverance

Dear Sovereign Lord, you are the great I Am, the beginning and the end. You are the omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent God of the universe. You know all things; you see all things and all power belong to you, my Lord. All praise and honor belongs to you.

I thank you for waking me, my family and those who pray this prayer up to a new day. I thank you for your faithfulness and your blessings, for they are new every morning. I ask forgiveness for any sins I have committed, known or unknown. I seek you with every part of my being, fully realizing that our lives are not our own and we are nothing without you. May we see with spiritual eyes; hear with spiritual ears and have hearts enlightened with your kingdom purposes. That is my heart’s desire, so I plead your Blood, Jesus, over my mind, my emotions, and I cast down every vain imagination and every high thing that exalts itself above the knowledge of you, in your Name.

Healing from Physical and Mental Illnesses 

By your Blood, Jesus, I break the grip of sickness today over me, my family and those praying this prayer and send infirmities and illnesses back to the pit of hell, in the Name of Jesus. Because of the stripes on your body, Jesus, I decree healing of all diseases—healing from diabetes, all forms of cancer, cardiovascular, neurological, circulatory, autoimmune, respiratory, digestive illnesses, in the Name of Jesus. I say, “Female hormonal irregularities, male prostate, cellular, glandular and autistic issues—you must go,” in the Name of Jesus. Healing of all diseases is our portion. (Exodus 15:26) Your word does not lie, Lord, so I declare that our bodies are healed and whole, in the Name of Jesus.

I speak healing of the minds and souls of my loved ones and those praying this prayer (and even any residual healing for me). I plead the Blood of Jesus over demonic attacks that have resulted in wounded spirits, anxiety, low self esteem, depression, Alzheimers, dementia, other mental illnesses, drug, alcohol and gambling addictions, in the Name of Jesus. I speak your healing virtue, Jesus, to spiritual wounds caused by church leaders, in the Name of Jesusb. Psalm 147:3, says that you heal the broken-hearted and you bind up their wounds, so I speak divine healing to our brokenness and wounds, in your Name. Help us to stand on the victory that you have already won for us and receive our healing in every wounded area, caused by attacks against our hearts and against our souls—in the realm of our minds and emotions, in your Name, Jesus. (Matthew 8:17)

Deliverance from Sin

Thank you for your shed Blood on the cross; that shed Blood that purged me, my family and those praying this prayer from sin and gave us entrance to the Presence of Abba Father in his throne room of grace. It is through your sacrificial death, Jesus, that we are granted righteousness that we can never earn on our own, and I thank you. It is your shed Blood and your Blood alone, Jesus, that saves us, heals us , delivers us and breaks every yoke of sin, sickness, poverty, generational curses and witchcraft, and I thank you.

I declare that sin has no stronghold in me, my family and those who are in agreement with this prayer, for we have been bought with a price and that price was your death, Jesus, on the cross. I declare that we are not contending against humans forces, but against powers, rulers and authorities of this present world darkness and spiritual wickedness in heavenly places. Matthew 16:19 states that what I bind (declare unlawful) on earth will be bound in heaven and what I loose (declare lawful) on earth is loosed in heaven, in the Name of Jesus. So I bind and declare illegal demonic forces of darkness and spiritual wickedness on the earth against me, my family and those praying this prayer and they are therefore bound in heaven.  I loose and declare the divine  protection of the Blood of Jesus over me, my family and those praying this prayer and thus, the Blood of Jesus over us is loosed in heaven as well, in Jesus’ Name. 

I choose not to conform to the world but to be transformed by the renewal of my mind so that I can discern the will of God in my life. I claim this for my family and those praying this prayer. I speak discernment of the enemy’s tactics against us and I speak deliverance from rebellion, disobedience, unforgiveness, strife, sexual sins, stealing, killing, desertion/abandonment issues, by the Blood and in the Name of Jesus.

Deliverance from Generational Curses

I decree deliverance from generational curses and bloodline sins of our paternal and maternal ancestors. I repent of their sins, now, Lord and ask you to cleanse me and my family from any and all generational sins, caused by our forefathers, in your Name, Jesus. I pray against us repeating the sins of our forefathers, Lord, in your Name. With your Blood, Jesus, I decree that demonic strongholds of sin in my family bloodlines have been broken now and are being sent back to the pit of hell, in the Name of Jesus. I decree that sins of disobedience, unforgiveness, rebellion, deception, parental abandonment/desertion/rejection, lying, murder, envy, strife, sexual perversion, poverty from our fore parents can no longer dwell in us and our households. I thank you for your Blood covering from generational curses over me, my family and those praying this prayer. Your word says in Jeremiah 31:29-30, that we will not share the guilt of our parents; they are accountable for their own sins, in the Name of Jesus.

Deliverance from Poverty

I decree deliverance from poverty and lack and I speak blessings of abundance and prosperity over our lives. The enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy, but you, Jesus, came to give us abundant life. (John 10:10) I choose you, Jesus, and your abundant life. I claim you and your abundant life for my family and those praying this prayer. I decree that the floodgates of heaven are opening now with blessings and windfalls that have been stored up for us. I declare that goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives, in the Name of Jesus.

Deliverance from Witchcraft Oppression 

I cover me, my family, and those praying this prayer, with the Blood of Jesus against witchcraft attacks and oppression, knowing full well that your word states that no weapon formed against us shall prosper. (Isaiah 54:17) I decree that every door of vulnerability to forces of darkness are closed and sealed in our lives, in the Nam of Jesus. I declare that greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world. (1 John 4:4) Thank you for your blessings upon us, dear Lord. Your word in Numbers 23:8 states that what God has blessed cannot be cursed. I thank you that we are blessed and I stand on your word that we are more than conquerors in your Name. (Romans 8:37) I bind and cast out by the Blood of Jesus, every lying, counterfeit, hindering and oppressive spirit that has tried to come against us and send them back to the pit of hell, in the Name of Jesus.

Breakthroughs, Healing, Deliverance 

I decree breakthroughs, blessings, destiny, purpose, divine health, long life, deliverance, healing, restoration, abundance over me, over my family and over those praying this prayer. I decree Acts 16:31, that by virtue of our faith and salvation, our households are saved. I decree a harvest of open doors, laborers, mentors, and divine purposes for us, in the Name of Jesus.

May we seek after you, my Lord, with whole hearts and with every facet of our beings. May we cultivate your Presence, and the direction, of Holy Spirit. I declare Psalm 19:14, that this prayer and these decrees from my heart be acceptable in your sight, my Lord, my rock, my strength and my redeemer. Thank you for placing warring angels around us and keeping us safe at all times and thank you for your blood covering. I seek all of these things on behalf of myself, my family and others who pray this prayer, in your precious Name, Jesus. Amen.

Published inCultivating a Devotional Life

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