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Nutrition: Plant-based Supplements Vs Synthetic-based Supplements

I have not written in the “Living a Healthy Life” category for some time, but today, I would like to discuss some nutritional benefits of taking plant-based vitamins and minerals over synthetic-based supplements. God placed plants on the earth to feed us. To be honest, we do not get all the nutrients that we need when we eat, so we need supplements to enhance our diets. I take supplements to aid in my nutritional program.

I have found that the plant-based supplements are more effective because they, like natural foods, come directly from plants. Whole foods—such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, flowers, spices, leaves, seeds and other ingredients from nature—make up plant-based supplements. In the creation of vitamins and minerals, the needed supplement is extracted from the particular plant source that is designated for that particular supplement . Our bodies recognize and easily digest plant-based supplements because that is the way we were created by God. In addition, the vitamins, minerals and fiber from natural supplements provide health benefits. There is less chance of taking too much of a vitamin or mineral (called mineral toxicity) with natural source supplements because plants were created for our nutrition.`Plant nutrients work together in our bodies just as they do in foods, supplying the body with what it needs.

Unlike natural vitamins, synthetic vitamins contain chemicals that do not occur in nature, and they are manufactured singularly in laboratories. Because these unnatural supplements are created in isolation, they do not have the transporters and co-factors that are found with plant-based supplements. Also, without the additional nutrients that are derived from natural supplements, the body may not absorb the synthetic nutrient the same way that it would a natural supplement. It is relevant to note that, according to, the majority of supplements today are derived in synthetic laboratories.

So take time to study supplement labels—if they are natural, they will say 100% plant-based. Some vitamins may say whole food, but still may contain some synthetic vitamins. Vitamins can be labeled as natural if they contain as little as 10% of the natural form of a supplement. Vitamins that contain the dl form on the label is considered synthetic. To help recognize and identify natural and synthetic plant-based vitamins and minerals, visit the Organic Consumers Association Ingredient Chart at www.globalhealing

Stay Healthy and Be the Best You that You Can Be!


Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) “The Difference Between Synthetic and Natural Vitamins “ Dr. Edward Group, Jun 16, 2017,

Published inLiving a Healthy Life

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