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What the Enemy Meant for Harm; God Turned Around for Good

person holding bibleI just went through a most surreal experience, my friends. It was so unreal that even now, it is hard to “wrap my head around it.” But in spite of all that, God has had my back, both spiritually and naturally, even during the times,  I didn’t feel it.

In late July, in my normal overzealous type A fashion, I started clearing out old boxes—lifting, pushing them, as well as placing items on high shelves. I was not led by the Holy Spirit, my friends, nor was I using wisdom and I ended up injuring my back. I didn’t realize how bad until the next morning when I tried to walk and was met with the most excruciating pain that I had ever had! The pain was so jarring that it was hard for me to breathe. Getting up, even to go to the bathroom was met with this agonizing, wrenching pain. With every few steps, I had to stop for thirty minutes or so, to get my breath.   This continued for a couple of days.

Throughout that time, the scripture, “I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord” (Psalm 118:17) rose up in my spirit. I was sure that the pain would eventually subside. After all, the Lord had healed me before.

One of my sons found me languishing in pain.  He helped as much as he could. Upon my request, he ended up taking me to an urgency care facility as I didn’t want to go to the hospital. I told the doctor there that I had hurt the lower left side of my back. He did not examine me but mentioned sciatica and then had a nurse inject me with a medication and write a prescription for bactoflen.

Upon taking the bactoflen, I became nauseous and disoriented; I couldn’t keep anything on my stomach—not even water!  I took the medication for several days before I related the prescription to my inability to eat or drink water. Along with the inability to drink water or eat, I continued to suffer from the traumatic back pain!

My son, who had tried everything he could to help me, finally decided to call an ambulance.  I was taken to the ER. The doctor on duty that night decided that I had sciatica—again—without examining me. He then notified me that he was sending me home.  I threw up right in front of him, even while he was talking.  Let me tell you, the Holy Spirit stepped in at that point. I said to him, “If you send me home and something happens to me, it will be on you.”  He then threw up his hands and walked away. I was admitted, not because the doctor cared or wanted to admit me, but because God, Almighty intervened! It often appears that emergency rooms doctors seek to find ways to send the sick back home rather than to admit them to the hospital. (Note: The   diagnosis of sciatica was nullified when my new primary doctor examined me.)

After being admitted, a hospital CT scan revealed kidney and gall bladder issues, mainly because of a week of dehydration. The medical procedures were state-of-the -arts and the doctors were professional. They took a triage approach and those organs, particularly the kidneys took precedence over my back issue. My kidneys were totally dehydrated from no water or food for so many days; they were functioning at fifteen percent! Although my back was not addressed; I was administered morphine while I was in the hospital to alleviate any pain.

My hospital stay was adequate in some ways; however, the quality of care and professionalism of the nurses and staff was inadequate. Plus, the room was warm all the time—including at night! I couldn’t sleep at night, so I requested to be released from the hospital.

Upon being released, I found a new primary doctor—my former primary doctor, failed to even listen to my concerns about my back pain—I kid you not!  The new doctor actually listened to my concerns. She prescribed meds for my pain. An MRI discovered a bulge in one of my lumbar discs, a herniated disc—none of this had been addressed previously. (Note: Lumbar discs are the shock absorbers between the vertebrae (bones) in the lower back.)

The enemy of my soul used my injured back to inflict dangerous circumstances that could have potentially taken me out of here. But what the enemy meant for harm, God turned around for my good. (Genesis 50:20). Another scripture that was constantly in my spirit was, “And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, to them who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28). I declared in my spirit, “Well, I love you, Lord.” So, let me come out of this, not just healed in my body, but fully a better representative of you in every sphere of my life. It is your will, Lord, not mine.”

So, I fully embrace the blessings that just keep flowing from this ordeal. Among them are: 1) God miraculously turned those health concerns surrounding that traumatic ordeal into healing and blessings; 2) I have a deepening discernment and appreciation for God’s everlasting, unfailing love for me and his people; 3) I have a new primary doctor who actually listens and cares about my health concerns. I could go on. . .

Let me tell you, my friends, God has not finished with me yet; and he is not through with you either. There is work for us to do. Those scriptures that were embedded in my spirit resonated when I needed them.  The Word of God is life and brings life to  believers. Embed these words of life into your spirit, my friends:

being confident of this very thing, that he who began  a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.  (Philippians 1:6) 

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  (Philippians 4:13)

Yet in all things we are more than conquerors through Him  who loved us.  (Romans 8:37)

I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord. (Psalm 118:17)

And we know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, to them who are called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Be blessed.


Published inInspirational Commentaries, Articles and Stories

One Comment

  1. Jacquelin Branche Jacquelin Branche

    Dr. Barbara, what an ordeal and what a God we serve who causes us to triumph! 🙌🏾🙌🏾🙌🏾 Thank you for sharing your testimony, for we overcome him (satan) by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Others also get to read or hear how God brings us through trials. Prayers remain fervent 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 Love you Dear Sister 💖

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